 * C++ microsimulation model example.
 * Compilation instructions using gcc (tested on Linux using gcc version
 * 11.3):
 * Debug version: g++ -Wall -g model_example.cc -o model_example
 * Optimized version: g++ -Wall -O3 model_example.cc -o model_example
 * If you are using clang, simply replace g++ with clang++.
 * If you are using a slightly older gcc or clang compiler you might need to
 * use the -std=c++17 flag.
 * This is an example of how to implement an agent-based or micro model.  I
 * have kept it simple but not too simple. It needs to be complicated enough
 * to show how a micro model can be much more flexible than a macro one, and
 * able to account for heterogeneous characteristics across a
 * population. For a more complicated model, see
 * https://github.com/nathangeffen/ABM_CTI/blob/master/abm_hetgen.cc.  This
 * is free software published under the GNU General Public License version
 * 3.

 * A few notes on style:
 * I have tried to find a balance between keeping the code readable and
 * using C++'s newer very convenient features. I have tried to avoid using
 * constructors and destructors. I have used printf instead of cout because
 * the latter is often way too verbose. I have also used struct instead of
 * class because having to deal with private variables and getters and
 * setters is unnecessary for the pedagogical purposes of this
 * code. Moreover, in my experience, most models are implemented by one or
 * two people. The software engineering benefits of using private variables
 * (and several other C++ features) may be immense for large teams, but they
 * simply get in the way of small one/two/three people projects.
 * There are a lot of features and improvements intentionally omitted.  The
 * aim of this code is to be an example that modellers can extend. Bells and
 * whistles that make the code more difficult to comprehend have therefore
 * been left out.
 * Also, I am not an expert on C++. If there are some things I could do
 * better, without making the program more difficult to read, please let me
 * know.

#include <algorithm>
#include <any>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

// Our time step is one day, and We're going to increment agents' age every
// time step so we'll need this.
#define YEAR 365.25
#define DAY (1.0 / YEAR)

// These are our random number generators. They are thread_local. What this
// means is every thread gets its own random number generator with its own
// seed so that we don't duplicate sequences across threads. The current
// version isn't multithreaded, so this is simply a future-proof
// mechanism. You can safely remove thread_local in the current version.

thread_local std::random_device rd{};
thread_local std::default_random_engine gen(rd());

// Every agent will have a sex because the death rates between males and
// females will be different. Vaccine uptake will also differ.

enum Sex { MALE = 0, FEMALE };

// These are the states an agent can be in. In macro models, we'd call these
// compartments.

enum State {

// An array (std::vector actually) of instances of the following Agent struct is
// kept in the Model struct.
struct Agent {
  int id;
  Sex sex;
  double age;
  State state;

// We have to notify the compiler of the existence of Model here so that it
// can compile the following typedef statement.
struct Model;

// Every event is implemented as a void function that takes a reference to
// the Model as its parameter.
typedef std::function<void(Model &)> EventFunc;

// The model engine will loop through arrays of events, executing each one.
typedef std::vector<EventFunc> EventArray;

// Our parameters are implemented in a hash table (unordered_map), each
// having a name and an associated value.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> Parameters;

// This is the struct at the heart of our microsimulation.

struct Model {
  // To avoid using a constructor, the model variables that need to be
  // initialized are kept at the top of the struct, and we simply use an
  // initializer list to set the class members. But if you intend to make
  // this code more complicated, rather implement a constructor.
  Parameters parameters;
  EventArray before_events;
  EventArray during_events;
  EventArray after_events;
  std::vector<Agent> agents;

  // We'll need to keep track of time steps for when we print out stats
  int current_time_step = 0;

  // This is used to track how many agents are in each state. It is updated
  // by the function event_tally_states.
  std::array<int, State::COUNT> state_counter;

  // Track the number of births that have to be given on a particular
  // time_step
  double birth_tracker = 0.0;

  // Track the number of deaths while infectious.
  int deaths_while_infectious = 0;

  // This is the method that runs our model. It steps through the before,
  // during and after events respectively, passing this model as a parameter
  // to each event function, so that the event function can update the
  // model.
  void run() {

    for (auto &event : before_events)
    int time_steps = std::any_cast<int>(parameters["time_steps"]);
    for (int i = 0; i < time_steps; i++) {
      for (auto &event : during_events)
    for (auto &event : after_events)

// This event creates and initializes the agents.
void event_initialize_agents(Model &model) {
  // This determines the number of susceptible agents at the beginning of
  // the simulation.
  int num_susceptible =
  // This determines the number of exposed agents at the beginning of the
  // simulation.
  int num_exposed = std::any_cast<int>(model.parameters["num_exposed"]);

  // Used to determine the sex of agents.
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> sex_dist(0, 1);

  // The proportion of males and females for each age up to 90 are drawn
  // from the following distribution. The data is from the Thembisa model.
  // An improved version of this program would read this in from a file.
  std::discrete_distribution<int> age_dist[2]{
      {556199, 550200, 554289, 554555, 552631, 550195, 547156, 560931,
       563200, 563224, 559176, 553679, 546729, 543589, 549932, 546043,
       531869, 516847, 502187, 469603, 457234, 458782, 458195, 466585,
       466894, 478880, 499952, 494485, 499192, 503553, 509185, 514547,
       518779, 522765, 524642, 525344, 524028, 521013, 504604, 490965,
       470985, 446012, 418694, 392725, 370384, 353289, 340052, 328700,
       316930, 304013, 289265, 273724, 258566, 245052, 233457, 224203,
       216432, 208929, 200901, 192589, 183617, 174159, 164848, 155780,
       146472, 136949, 127381, 117876, 108654, 99880,  91671,  83926,
       76578,  69446,  62413,  55426,  48685,  42274,  36528,  31740,
       27981,  24914,  22216,  19608,  16967,  14268,  11689,  9404,
       7509,   5910,   17220},
      {546583, 540070, 542761, 543436, 541679, 539135, 536397, 550108,
       552589, 552977, 549468, 544628, 538484, 536059, 542961, 539811,
       526372, 511457, 497112, 465517, 453715, 454499, 454057, 462111,
       462002, 473948, 495224, 490080, 496446, 501890, 507712, 512689,
       516280, 519075, 519740, 520070, 519042, 514800, 498903, 485707,
       466135, 441880, 416150, 392858, 374232, 361659, 353606, 347796,
       341605, 333841, 323561, 311601, 299187, 288039, 278985, 272570,
       267692, 262837, 256621, 248861, 239132, 228056, 216780, 205881,
       195007, 184279, 173677, 163111, 152615, 142337, 132336, 122614,
       113283, 104226, 95242,  86302,  77627,  69138,  61368,  54957,
       50070,  46156,  42632,  38899,  34836,  30361,  25828,  21628,
       17972,  14930,  51609}};
  // The above sets the age in years as an integer value. To get the
  // fraction of the year, we add on a uniform random number between 0
  // and 1.
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> year_dist(0.0, 1.0);

  // Now we loop through the number of susceptible and exposed, creating an
  // agent, appropriately initialized, on each iteration.
  for (int i = 0; i < num_susceptible + num_exposed; i++) {
    Sex sex = sex_dist(gen) ? FEMALE : MALE;
    State state = i < num_susceptible ? SUSCEPTIBLE : EXPOSED;
    double age = year_dist(gen) + age_dist[sex](gen);
    // Because don't use constructors, the agent's characteristics are set
    // in the order they've been declared above in the Agent struct. They
    // are id, sex, age and state.
    model.agents.push_back({i, sex, age, state});

// We'll need to randomize the order of the agents at the beginning of each
// time step to avoid bias.
void event_shuffle_agents(Model &model) {
  shuffle(model.agents.begin(), model.agents.end(), gen);

// This event increments the living agents' ages by a day.
void event_increment_age(Model &model) {
  for (auto &agent : model.agents)
    if (agent.state != DEAD)
      agent.age += DAY;

/* This is our event infection algorithm. It works like this: Each
 * susceptible agent, A, is randomly placed in contact with n other
 * contacts, where n is a randomly drawn integer from a normal distribution
 * with mean num_contacts_avg and standard deviation num_contacs_stdev. Then
 * each infectious agent, B, that A comes into contact with, will infect A
 * with probability risk_exposure_per_contact.
void event_infect(Model &model) {
  const double num_contacts =
  const double stdev =
  const double risk_exposure =
  std::normal_distribution<> num_contacts_dist(num_contacts, stdev);
  // We need the indices of all the living agents. They are the potential
  // contacts.
  std::vector<int> alive_indices;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < model.agents.size(); i++)
    if (model.agents[i].state != DEAD)

  // We'll need this to randomly find contacts for each susceptible agent.
  std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> contact_dist(
      0, alive_indices.size() - 1);
  std::uniform_real_distribution<> exposure_dist(0, 1);

  // We only going to iterate over living agents
  for (auto i : alive_indices) {
    if (model.agents[i].state == SUSCEPTIBLE) {
      // This seemingly complicated line of code chooses a random number of
      // contacts and makes sure that it's a least 0 and at most the number
      // of elements in the alive_indices array.
      int num_contacts =
      // Susceptible agents are potentially exposed to num_contact agents.
      // To keep things simple, the algorithm can select the same agent more
      // than once as a contact and the agent itself might be its own
      // contact.  But for our purposes this shortcoming isn't important; it
      // only reduces the number of actual contacts.
      for (int j = 0; j < num_contacts; j++) {
        size_t contact_index = contact_dist(gen);
        if (model.agents[alive_indices[contact_index]].state ==
            INFECTIOUS) {
          if (exposure_dist(gen) < risk_exposure) {
            model.agents[i].state = EXPOSED;

// This is used by events that transition an agent from one state to another
// with given probability.
void change_agent_states(Model &model, State from_state, State to_state,
                         const char *parameter) {
  std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(0, 1);
  double risk;
  try {
    risk = std::any_cast<double>(model.parameters[parameter]);
  } catch (const std::exception &ex) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Exception at line %d with parameter %s\n", __LINE__,
  for (auto &agent : model.agents)
    if (agent.state == from_state)
      if (dist(gen) < risk)
        agent.state = to_state;

// This moves agents in the exposed state to the infectious state with
// probabilty risk_exposed_infectious.
void event_exposed_to_infectious(Model &model) {
  change_agent_states(model, EXPOSED, INFECTIOUS,

// This moves agents in the infectious state to the recovered state with
// probabilty risk_infectious_exposed.
void event_infectious_to_recovered(Model &model) {
  change_agent_states(model, INFECTIOUS, RECOVERED,

// This moves agents in the recovered state to the susceptible state with
// probabilty risk_recovered_infectious.
void event_recovered_to_susceptible(Model &model) {
  change_agent_states(model, RECOVERED, SUSCEPTIBLE,

// This moves agents in the susceptible state to the vaccinated state with
// probabilty risk_susceptible_vaccinated.
void event_susceptible_to_vaccinated(Model &model) {
  change_agent_states(model, SUSCEPTIBLE, VACCINATED,

// This moves agents in the vaccinated state to the susceptible state with
// probabilty risk_vaccinated_susceptible.
void event_vaccinated_to_susceptible(Model &model) {
  change_agent_states(model, VACCINATED, SUSCEPTIBLE,

/* This event adds new agents with age 0 to the population based on given
 * birth_rate. If the default time_step is small, say a day, and the
 * population is also small, the number of births per day may be less than
 * zero but this is a discrete model and in that case there will never be
 * births. So on each time step we accumulate the number of births until
 * greater than one (and then add one or more agents to the population),
 * then subtract the number of births given from the accumulated number (so
 * that a fraction between 0 and 1 remains).
void event_births(Model &model) {
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> sex_dist(0, 1);
  int id = (int)model.agents.size();
  double birth_rate = std::any_cast<double>(model.parameters["birth_rate"]);
  model.birth_tracker +=
      birth_rate * (model.agents.size() - model.state_counter[DEAD]);
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)model.birth_tracker; i++) {
        {id, sex_dist(gen) ? FEMALE : MALE, 0.0, SUSCEPTIBLE});
  if (model.birth_tracker > 0)
    model.birth_tracker -= std::floor(model.birth_tracker);

 * This event moves agents into the death stage, after which they should not
 * be updated by any other events. An alternative way of doing this would be
 * to have a second vector that stores dead agents. This would have the
 * advantage the other events not continuously traversing over dead agents.
 * Then you could efficiently move a dead agent out of the vector of living
 * agents by swapping the dead agent with the living agent at the end of the
 * vector, then copying it into the vector of dead agents, then reducing the
 * size of the vector of living agents by one. But we've gone for a simpler
 * solution here, which for our purposes is efficient enough.
void event_death(Model &model) {
  // These death rates per sex and age (up to 90) are taken from the
  // Thembisa model. An improvement would be to read this in from a file.
  static const std::vector<std::vector<double>> death_risk{
      // Males
      {0.000076520889, 0.000017192652, 0.000007240219, 0.000005732737,
       0.000004441361, 0.000003385837, 0.000002569825, 0.000001990536,
       0.000001632355, 0.000001482819, 0.000001580916, 0.000001897548,
       0.000002208913, 0.000002665925, 0.000003273968, 0.000003996761,
       0.000004820406, 0.000005777845, 0.000006868745, 0.000008052928,
       0.000009304271, 0.000010546779, 0.000011701298, 0.000012734227,
       0.000013650988, 0.000014490752, 0.000015306001, 0.000016174900,
       0.000017115953, 0.000018095632, 0.000019070014, 0.000019976372,
       0.000020767143, 0.000021415938, 0.000021956049, 0.000022480765,
       0.000023107817, 0.000023928708, 0.000024999344, 0.000026292152,
       0.000027738385, 0.000029284192, 0.000030868925, 0.000032474390,
       0.000034122993, 0.000035866000, 0.000037772632, 0.000039906771,
       0.000042305628, 0.000044983861, 0.000047950067, 0.000051204119,
       0.000054734790, 0.000058521982, 0.000062525288, 0.000066680159,
       0.000070914398, 0.000075190600, 0.000079522922, 0.000083954371,
       0.000088526342, 0.000093290522, 0.000098309032, 0.000103656921,
       0.000109436436, 0.000115770302, 0.000122776669, 0.000130516418,
       0.000138964572, 0.000148092754, 0.000157955894, 0.000168657991,
      // Females
          0.000084085544, 0.000019234231, 0.000008680390, 0.000006692589,
          0.000005033958, 0.000003712643, 0.000002730538, 0.000002065006,
          0.000001679530, 0.000001535762, 0.000001592729, 0.000001838024,
          0.000002061974, 0.000002351475, 0.000002705738, 0.000003106961,
          0.000003547194, 0.000004091870, 0.000004790889, 0.000005609952,
          0.000006501563, 0.000007371587, 0.000008127697, 0.000008734919,
          0.000009208877, 0.000009592531, 0.000009941267, 0.000010321245,
          0.000010761386, 0.000011251573, 0.000011774332, 0.000012300970,
          0.000012807805, 0.000013283732, 0.000013750722, 0.000014257017,
          0.000014854579, 0.000015589684, 0.000016487504, 0.000017539826,
          0.000018716045, 0.000019980015, 0.000021295672, 0.000022643855,
          0.000024027336, 0.000025468550, 0.000027002242, 0.000028667599,
          0.000030499362, 0.000032510646, 0.000034683482, 0.000036983990,
          0.000039380543, 0.000041858866, 0.000044438940, 0.000047186143,
          0.000050185995, 0.000053508553, 0.000057185355, 0.000061208012,
          0.000065538377, 0.000070127481, 0.000074960964, 0.000080083792,
          0.000085535735, 0.000091291510, 0.000097296074, 0.000103503214,
          0.000109895484, 0.000116577835, 0.000123831829, 0.000132015621,
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> death_dist(0, 1);

  for (auto &agent : model.agents) {
    if (agent.state != DEAD) {
      int age_index = (int)agent.age;
      // For agents who are older than the maximum age catered for in our
      // mortality risk array, we simply use the last entry in the array.
      if (age_index >= (int)death_risk[agent.sex].size())
        age_index = death_risk[agent.sex].size() - 1;
      double risk = death_risk[agent.sex][age_index];
      // If an agent is in the infectious stage we multiply their mortality
      // by infectious_mortality_factor. A more sophisticated algorithm
      // might have a separate set of mortality risks for infectious agents.
      if (agent.state == INFECTIOUS)
        risk *= std::any_cast<double>(
      if (death_dist(gen) < risk) {
        // Keep track of deaths of agents who are infected so that the
        // differing mortality rates of infected and uninfected agents can
        // be analsysed.
        if (agent.state == INFECTIOUS)
        agent.state = DEAD;

// Sorts the agents back into order by id. This is simply so that when we
// print out the agents at the end, they are all in order instead of
// shuffled. Not essential, because we could do this easily in our
// environment in which we analyse the data (R, Python, a spreadsheet) but
// since this is only executed once, it is quick.
void event_sort_agents(Model &model) {

  std::sort(model.agents.begin(), model.agents.end(),
            [](Agent &a, Agent &b) { return a.id < b.id; });

// Event to count the number of agents in each state.
void event_tally_states(Model &model) {
  for (auto &agent : model.agents)

// Event to print a CSV file header. In this simple implementation the
// agents and demographic outputs are all printed to standard output.  An
// improvement would have them print to their own file.
void event_print_stats_header(Model &_) { printf("#,S,E,I,R,V,D,D_i\n"); }

// Event to print the number of agents in each state as well as some other
// useful demographic data, such as the number of infectious agents who
// died.
void event_print_stats(Model &model) {
  // The output_frequency parameter determines how frequently this event is
  // run. If we want it to run on every time step set to 1, but this is
  // likely unnecessary and will slow down execution.
  if (model.current_time_step %
          std::any_cast<int>(model.parameters["output_frequency"]) ==
      0) {
    printf("%d,", model.current_time_step);
    for (int i = 0; i < State::COUNT; i++)
      printf("%d,", model.state_counter[i]);
    printf("%d\n", model.deaths_while_infectious);

// Event to print all the agents. We typically only execute this once before
// and after the model has run. But for debugging or other purposes it may
// be useful to do so in the middle of a simulation.
void event_print_agents(Model &model) {
  for (auto &agent : model.agents) {
    printf("Agent: %d. Sex: %s. Age %.2f. State: %d.\n", agent.id,
           (agent.sex == MALE) ? "male" : "female", agent.age, agent.state);

int main() {
  Model model{
      // Parameters. An improvement would be to allow the user to specify
      // these at the command line or in a configuration file.
      {// Run for 20 years
       {"time_steps", (int)(20 * 365.25)},
       // Population will be 10,000 with 10 initially exposed agents.
       {"num_susceptible", 9990},
       {"num_exposed", 10},
       // Mean number of contacts per agent per day. You could create even
       // more heterogeneity by making this specific to each agent.
       {"num_contacts_avg", 20.0},
       // Standard deviation of number of contacts per agent per day.
       {"num_contacts_stdev", 10.0},
       // Risk of moving from susceptible to exposure state per contact.
       {"risk_exposure_per_contact", 0.005},
       // Increased risk of an infected agent dying.
       {"infectious_mortality_factor", 8.0},
       // Risks of moving from one state to another per time step (which is
       // one
       // day).
       {"risk_exposed_infectious", 0.1},
       {"risk_infectious_recovered", 0.005},
       {"risk_recovered_susceptible", 0.0001},
       {"risk_susceptible_vaccinated", 0.0003},
       {"risk_vaccinated_susceptible", 0.0001},
       // Number of new agents added to the model daily.
       {"birth_rate", 0.000055},
       // How often, in time steps, to print the demographic outputs.
       {"output_frequency", 20}},
      // Before events
      {event_initialize_agents, event_print_agents, event_tally_states,
       event_print_stats_header, event_print_stats},
      // During events
      {event_shuffle_agents, event_increment_age, event_infect,
       event_exposed_to_infectious, event_infectious_to_recovered,
       event_recovered_to_susceptible, event_susceptible_to_vaccinated,
       event_vaccinated_to_susceptible, event_births, event_death,
       event_tally_states, event_print_stats},
      // After events
      {event_tally_states, event_print_stats, event_sort_agents,

  return 0;